Amerikan Hastanesi
The American Hospital is a private health institution within the Vehbi Koç Foundation.
The American Hospital of the Vehbi Koç Foundation, which has been living in North American standards for 92 years, has played a key role in the development of the healthcare sector in our country, with doctors, nurses and health workers, diagnostic and treatment technologies, administrative systems and processes.
The ethical approach and the confidence it has created has earned respect among doctors, nurses, all health professionals and patients.
Association for Lichen Sclerosus and Vulval Health
Femmax dilators can help with the management of Lichen Sclerosus, the ALSVH provides more information about Lichen Sclerosus and Vulval Health.
Bio Medical Research Limited
Bio Medical Research Limited are a team of passionate creators and engineers who together, invent and design some of the most cutting-edge wearable technology in the world.
BSI is a business standards company that helps organisations make excellence a habit; all over the world. Their business is enabling others to perform better.
Care Down There
CareDownThere is written by a team of Australian Health Professionals with special expertise in treating vulval disease. The information you will find here is up to date and practical. This website contains the facts and tells you all you need to know about your problem and what you can do about it.
Commonwealth First
CommonwealthFirst has been established by the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC) with a mission to encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to trade and invest across the Commonwealth; a market comprising 53 English speaking countries with a combined population of 2.2 billion.
| is the easiest way to setup a website. If you need help then watch our video tutorials or contact our support team.
International Trade Council
nternational Trade Council members are reputable businesses and individuals, operating in over 76 countries worldwide. In addition to its own member-base, the Council works with a wide variety of external groups to maximize areas of common ground and minimize differences.
Investors In People
Investors in People is the mark of high performance in business and people management.
Lichen Sclerosis
A/Prof Gayle Fischer, Dermatologist (Australia),talks about Lichen Sclerosis
Maxell Europe
Maxell Europe is part of the Hitachi Maxell group.
Medilink UK
Medilink UK is a national health technology business support organisation.
Minerva Health Solutions Inc.
American distributor of MDTi's products within Canada and the United States of America.
NHS Supply Chain
The NHS Supply Chain and Supply Agency is responsible for ensuring that the NHS makes the most effective use of its resources by getting the best value for money possible when purchasing goods and services.
Quintet AS
Quintet stands for "quinde" or female, and close. The name represents what was our primary product offer when we started 19 years ago: solutions for women with urinary disturbances or incontinence. Since then, products for pain relief have also come to, and products for men. Today, our business includes both products, expertise and guidance for women and men. Our goal is to provide products that can effectively improve the quality of life of people with these issues.
Royal College of Nursing
The RCN is a membership organisation of over 435,000 registered nurses, midwives, health care assistants and nursing students.
Vulval Pain Society
The Vulval Pain Society, a UK registered charity supporting vulval pain sufferers.
The aims are:
To promote and protect the physical and mental health of sufferers of vulval pain through the provision of support, education and practical advice
To advance the education of the general public in all areas relating to vulval pain
Women Acting In Today's Society
Wolverhampton University Apple Podcast Link
Wolverhampton University Apple Podcast Link
Wolverhampton University Buzzsprout Podcast Link
Wolverhampton University Buzzsprout Podcast Link